Our Yield farming is up and running. Get in and enjoy the High APR%. long term HOLDers will benefit massive returns.
How to buy CROX?
- Go to exchange.croxswap.com
- Connect your wallet.
- Use Binance Smart Chain
- Add Binance Smart Chain to Meta Mask or other wallets
- Buy with the desired amount of BNB and click Swap
- Confirm the Swap
- Confirm on wallet
- View on bscscan to confirm
- Congrats! You just bought CROX.
Farm CROX using below pairs https://app.croxswap.com/farms
APR CROX Reward Multipliers
- CROX/BNB (40x Rewards)
- CROX/BUSD (40x Rewards)
- CROX/CAKE (25x Rewards)
- CROX/RASTA(10x Rewards)
- BUSD/BNB (5x Rewards)
- BTCB/BNB (4x Rewards)
- ETH/BNB (4x Rewards)
- USDT/BUSD (2x Rewards)
- DAI/BUSD (2x Rewards)
- CAKE/BNB (5x Rewards)
- DOT/BNB (3x Rewards)